Chicken Wire Mesh Is Attached onto [ July 13, 2017 ] Product information: Chicken Wire Wall – Create Your Gallery Wall Have you get tired of poking millions of holes and destroy the wall finally? As a simple solution to your dilemma, chicken wire wallrealizes a fantasti Anping Poulen Wire Mesh Manufa | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
Paddle Tennis and Platform Tennis F[ July 13, 2017 ] Product information: Paddle Tennis and Platform Tennis Wire As is known, paddle tennis and platform tennis courts have specific and rugged requirements towards its courts' fence for its special exercise modality. Hexa Anping Poulen Wire Mesh Manufa | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
refractory grade calcined bauxite 8[ September 10, 2014 ] Product information: refractory grade calcined bauxite 8-5-3-1-0mm Bauxite is usually reddish-brown, but can also be white, tan, and yellow, depending on the type and concentration of iron minerals pr Henan Sicheng Co., Ltd | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
bathroom granite countertops[ March 1, 2013 ] Product information: we have various kinds of bathroom granite countertops 1. Material: granite 2. Finishing: Polished, flamed, spilt, honed, etc. 3. Any customized sizes and different edges are available according to Saftty Electronic Technology C | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
bauxite ore[ January 30, 2013 ] Product information: Minimum Order Quantity: 30000 Metric Ton/Metric Tons Supply Ability: | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
Shaft Kiln Bauxite[ January 30, 2013 ] Product information: FOB Price: US $200 - 510 / Ton Port: XinGang Minimum Order Quantity: 20 Ton/Tons Supply Ability: | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
Raw bauxite[ November 13, 2012 ] Product information: Tianjin Shifu International trading here, export Bauxite with high quality and low price in China. Tianjin Shifu International Tr | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
Abrasive grade bauxite[ November 13, 2012 ] Product information: Tianjin Shifu International trading here, export Bauxite with high quality and low price in China. Tianjin Shifu International Tr | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
Round kiln bauxite[ November 13, 2012 ] Product information: Tianjin Shifu International trading here, export Bauxite with high quality and low price in China. Tianjin Shifu International Tr | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
Shaft kiln bauxite[ November 13, 2012 ] Product information: Tianjin Shifu International trading here, export Bauxite with high quality and low price in China. Tianjin Shifu International Tr | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
Rotary kiln bauxite[ November 13, 2012 ] Product information: Tianjin Shifu International trading here, export Bauxite with high quality and low price in China. Tianjin Shifu International Tr | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
bauxite[ August 9, 2012 ] Product information: 我公司目前可以提供月产1500-2000t 的矾土矿,Al203: 45-52%, SiO2: 8-15%, Fe2O3: 16-22%。 如您需要,请拨打0731-53282700,15292279079(李) | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
导电双面胶带 导电无基材双面胶带 导电布胶带[ May 10, 2012 ] Product information: 导电双面胶带 导电无基材双面胶带 导电布胶带 导电无基材双面胶带产品叙述 : 适用于铜箔,铝箔, 导电布等材料贴合。 产品特性 : 低电阻抗性,搭配低表面电阻材料,可达到EMI屏蔽,静电释放及导引。耐温保持力: ( PSTC-7 )耐温60℃. 上胶厚度 : 0.040mm ~ 0.045mm 产品规格 : 宽度:10mm~1240mm 长度:100M ~ 800M 阻抗值:0.01Ω↓ 昆山安东晟电子科技有限公司 | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
铝箔夹筋 铝箔胶带 铝箔玻璃钢[ May 10, 2012 ] Product information: 铝箔夹筋 铝箔胶带 铝箔玻璃钢 一.用途、特点: 该产品是铝箔和牛皮纸间夹有玻璃纤维纱加强筋的复合材料。具有阻燃、防水、高节能等特性,具有美观价廉、施工方便、经久耐用,是新一代保温、隔热、隔音等建材的理想配套护层。可用作冷暖设备,管道等保温层的外护包扎材料,建筑上消声隔音材料岩棉,超细玻璃棉的外护层,高级楼堂宾馆的隔热、隔音材料,出口设备的防湿、防霉、防燃、防腐包装材料。 二.技术 昆山安东晟电子科技有限公司 | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
导电铜箔胶带 铜箔胶带 铝箔胶带[ May 10, 2012 ] Product information: 导电铜箔胶带 铜箔胶带 铝箔胶带 以软铜箔,麦拉铜箔为基材,另外涂布感压胶而成,能有效地地抑制电磁波干扰,防止电磁波对人体的危害,避免不需要之电压或电流而影响功能 厚度有0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.085 铜箔系列分类: 1纯铜箔有导电、遮罩作用; 2单导铜箔导电、遮罩(胶面不导电),涂布压克力胶起贴合固定作用; 3双导铜箔导电、遮罩,涂布导电胶,起导电,贴合固 昆山安东晟电子科技有限公司 | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
环保铝箔胶带 金属铝箔胶带 双导铝箔[ May 10, 2012 ] Product information: 环保铝箔胶带 金属铝箔胶带 双导铝箔 产品编号: ADS-8005 特性和用途: 用于蒸汽管道外包裹及精密电子类产品,电脑通讯,电线,电缆等高频传输时遮蔽或隔离电磁波或无线电波之干扰 技术参数: 编号 品名 厚度(mm) ADS-80021 单导铝箔 0.05~0.14 ADS-80022 双导铝箔 0.05~0.14 金属铝箔胶带 双导铝箔 导电铝 昆山安东晟电子科技有限公司 | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
金属铝箔胶带 双导铝箔 导电铝箔胶带[ May 10, 2012 ] Product information: 金属铝箔胶带 双导铝箔 导电铝箔胶带 颜色:银色 规格:特厚材质超出想象,自带粘性持久牢固,内部底色黑色可有效过滤紫外线,保护管道更持久 铝箔胶带配合所有铝箔复合材料的接缝粘贴,保温钉穿刺处的密封以及破损处的修复。是冰箱、冰柜生产厂的主要原辅材料,也是保温材料经销部门必购原料。本公司产品广泛应用于冰箱、空凋、汽车、石化、桥梁、宾馆、电子等行业采用优质压敏胶,粘性好,附着力强,抗老化等功 昆山安东晟电子科技有限公司 | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
无基材双面胶[ May 10, 2012 ] Product information: 无基材双面胶 我公司是Teraoka寺冈制作所在国内的一级经销商,代理寺冈全系列产品,双面胶带系列是寺冈的强势产品之一,按基材不同细分为不织布双面胶带、无基材双面胶带、布基双面胶带、发泡体双面胶带、薄膜基材双面胶带、纸基双面胶带及金属基材双面胶带等,型号多达一百多个,厚度最薄从0.03mm起,产品应用含概各个领域,是双面胶带品种最全的品牌之一。其中寺冈N0.7021、7040是属于无基材双面胶 昆山安东晟电子科技有限公司 | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
防水绝缘胶带[ May 10, 2012 ] Product information: 防水绝缘胶带 产品用途: 电力电缆绝缘的恢复和防水处理的终端,中间接头的防水密封; 架空绝缘导线接头的防水密封保护; 通信设备基站、天线、窥线等接头处防水; 电线外护套修复; 潜水电击电缆接头防水绝缘; 化工、矿山机电管道防腐密封保护; 地线的防水密封; 适用于1000伏及以下主绝缘恢复; 适用于1000伏及以下马达引线的绝缘。 产品特点: 对不规则 昆山安东晟电子科技有限公司 | |||
Peoples Republic of China |
铝箔夹筋胶带[ May 10, 2012 ] Product information: 铝箔夹筋胶带 一.用途、特点: 该产品是铝箔和牛皮纸间夹有玻璃纤维纱加强筋的复合材料。具有阻燃、防水、高节能等特性,具有美观价廉、施工方便、经久耐用,是新一代保温、隔热、隔音等建材的理想配套护层。可用作冷暖设备,管道等保温层的外护包扎材料,高级楼堂宾馆的隔热、隔音材料,出口设备的防湿、防霉、防燃、防腐包装材料。 二.技术指标: 1、导热系数(常温): 0.035W/mK D 昆山安东晟电子科技有限公司 | |||
Peoples Republic of China |