Reliance Steel & Aluminum (NYSE: RS) had its price target lowered by Cowen from $89.00 to $75.00 in a research report sent to investors on Tuesday morning,StockRatingsNetwork reports.
A number of other firms have also recently commented on RS. Analysts at Goldman Sachs initiated coverage on shares of Reliance Steel & Aluminum in a research note to investors on Tuesday, April 16th. They set a buy rating and a $79.00 price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at Wells Fargo initiated coverage on shares of Reliance Steel & Aluminum in a research note to investors on Thursday, March 21st. They set an outperform rating on the stock. Finally, analysts at Zacks reiterated a neutral rating on shares of Reliance Steel & Aluminum in a research note to investors on Tuesday, February 26th.
Four investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and six have issued a buy rating to the company. Reliance Steel & Aluminum presently has an average rating of Buy and an average target price of $71.88.
Shares of Reliance Steel & Aluminum (NYSE: RS) traded up 1.17% during mid-day trading on Tuesday, hitting $64.05. Reliance Steel & Aluminum has a 52 week low of $44.81 and a 52 week high of $72.90.
The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which is scheduled for Friday, June 21st. Stockholders of record on Friday, May 31st will be paid a dividend of $0.30 per share.