Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. (RS) filed Quarterly Report for the period ended 2010-09-30.
Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. has a market cap of $3.37 billion; its shares were traded at around $45.99 with a P/E ratio of 13.5 and P/S ratio of 0.6. The dividend yield of Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. stocks is 1%. Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. had an annual average earning growth of 21.8% over the past 10 years. GuruFocus rated Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. the business predictability rank of 3.5-star.
RS is in the portfolios of Robert Rodriguez of FPA Capital, First Pacific Advisors of First Pacific Advisors, LLC, Chuck Royce of Royce& Associates, NWQ Managers of NWQ Investment Management Co, Paul Tudor Jones of The Tudor Group, David Dreman of Dreman Value Management, Steven Cohen of SAC Capital Advisors, Jeremy Grantham of GMO LLC, George Soros of Soros Fund Management LLC.