Horizon Air says it will receive the 2010 Recycler of the Year award from the Washington State Recycling Association.
Horizon began its inflight recycling program in the late 1980s. Flight attendants collect newspapers, magazines, aluminum cans, plastic cups, and plastic and glass bottles from passengers for recycling. Wine corks, cardboard, shrink wrap, coffee grounds and aluminum and plastic pop rings are recycled at Horizon's main food and beverage locations in Seattle, Portland and Boise, according to the company.
Horizon currently recycles 69 percent of all onboard waste.
Horizon and sister company Alaska Airlines also increase their sustainability through investments in technology, green equipment, employee engagement and fuel conservation. Details are provided in the airlines' environmental report, released last week.
Together, the companies say they've reduced their carbon dioxide emissions (per revenue passenger mile) by 23 percent since 2004. The companies point to the transition to more fuel-efficient aircraft and numerous fuel-conservation projects as the main reason for the decrease. (See charts below.)