The Gulf Cooperation Council Aluminum Industry is set to grow to the stature of global aluminum destination next to oil wealth which is set to grow further as stated to 10% to 11% of global aluminum production.
The GCC possesses some great advantages like, low power cost as well as Gas price favorable logistics owing to well connected airports and sea ports to all global destinations and skilled manpower supply from Asian neighbors sustaining over four decades to provide knowledge transfer to the local manpower adding to their employment opportunities.
According to Frost & Sullivan, GCC smelters are now actively engaged in downstream development to instigate local demand and value addition to primary aluminum production. Another advantage to GCC down stream industry is the availability of liquid metal which provides further competitive edge on production cost over other international players.
This is also appropriately supported by the respective Governing Ministries to promote the Aluminium Industries’ development by facilitating rapid clearance and awarding subsidies for the green field projects.