Primary aluminum production at Venezuela's CVG-Alcasa totaled 3,568 mt in November, down 32.6% on output of 5,287 mt in November 2011, Alcasa said Thursday. November production was down 8% on output of 3,877 mt in October.
Alcasa's production remains depressed as its October operating cell count was 116 out of 380, according to an earlier report. The low number is due to an erratic supply of feedstock stemming from cash-flow problems and troubles paying off suppliers.
Recent independent Guayana region news reports quote Alcasa union officials as saying the 170,000 mt/year smelter will close 2012 with output of 59,700 mt, down from 69,000 mt in 2011. The report was not immediately confirmed by Alcasa's press office.
Alcasa sales totaled 17,335 mt in November, up 220.5% on sales of 5,408 mt in November 2011. November sales were up 473.1% on sales of 3,025 mt in October.
"The high figure is because they got that metal out of inventory," an Alcasa spokeswoman said.