Below are the top five companies in the Basic Materials sector as measured by relative performance. Lowest relative performance is a comparison between a share and its peers made to determine under performance.
This analysis was based on yesterday's trading activity as SmarTrend searches for stocks that could be relative bargains compared to their peers.
Reliance Steel & Aluminum ranks first with a loss of 4.43%; Patriot Coal ranks second with a loss of 4.36%; and Century Aluminum ranks third with a loss of 4.12%.
Massey Energy follows with a loss of 3.66% and Commercial Metals rounds out the top five with a loss of 3.5%.
SmarTrend is bearish on shares of PCX and our subscribers were alerted to Sell on May 04, 2010 at $18.80. The stock has fallen 29.3% since the alert was issued