Aluminiumstocks held at three major Japanese ports at theend of October rose 1.9 percent, or 4,400 tonnes,during the month to 235,800 tonnes, trading houseMarubeni Corp said on Friday.
Stocks at the port in Nagoya, in an area wherea number of carmakers have factories, jumped 7,400tonnes during the month, data showed.
Marubeni collects data from the key ports ofYokohama, Nagoya and Osaka.
Following are details of Japanese aluminiumstocks, including month-on-month and year-on-yearcomparisons (in tonnes):
Port Yokohama Nagoya Osaka total
30-Oct 123,700 98,100 14,000 35,800
30-Sep 126,700 90,700 14,000 31,400
31-Aug 119,600 107,600 14,000 41,200
31-Jul 98,300 90,700 14,500 03,500
30-Jun 114,500 101,100 13,000 28,600
End-Oct 112,100 100,700 13,000 25,800