According to Qinghai Economic Commission,in order to strict new capacity,lessen energy consumption and industrial pollution and discharge,Qinghai province reluctant to approve energy-intensive projects like electrolytic aluminum,cement and iron alloy.
Qinghai province ,located in Tibet Plateau, has weak industrial foundation and poor economy.Since the implementation of China’s Western development,to quicken economic growth,Qinghai province once easier access to business to take in and built a batch of energy-intensive,discharge-intensive and high pollution projects.
Qinghai province has put forward the concept of eco-province and green development in recent years.Qinghai province issued “Policy guarantee to further control the disorder development and too-rapid growth of energy-intensive industries” in 2012,in which energy-intensive projects controlled by punitive electricity cost.
In 2013,Qinghai province not only reluctant to approve energy-intensive projects ,but also further monitor on key business,encourage energy efficiency by rewards and punishment.Qinghai province will carry out differential electricity price in energy-intensive industries such as iron alloy and cement which have not built waste heat power generation by the end of Oct. In 2013.