China's imports of copper and aluminum.
products all registered decline in volume in the first quarter of thi s year.
According to China's General Administration of Customs statistics r eleased on Sunday, the imports of copper and semi-finished copper prod ucts in the first quarter of this year was down 15.6 percent year on y ear.
The imports of copper and semi-finished products reached 904,002 me tric tons (tonnes) in Q1, and the value totaled 8.59 billion US dollar s, up 9.5 percent year on year.
The volume decline was due to the sharp decrease in February. In Ma rch, the copper imports increased 29 percent from February to 304,299 tonnes.
In Q1, the aluminum imports plunged by 56 percent year on year to 7 00,000 tonnes, and the value also dropped 49.2 percent to 270.9 millio n US dollars.
The imports of aluminum products and semi-products dropped 4.9 perc ent from a year ago to 244,293 tonnes in Q1, but the value increased b y 16.4 percent year on year to 1.09 billion US dollars.