Local executives of the United Steelworkers union at Alcan's 400,000 mt/year Alma smelter in Quebec is recommending acceptance of Alcan's final offer on a new labor contract to its 850 members. The current five-year contract ends December 31.
According to Michel Arsenault, District 5 director of the United Steelworkers union, the union membership was to meet Friday morning and have a secret ballot vote after the meeting. He said voting will be complete Friday afternoon, and it will be know then if Alcan's last offer is accepted or not. Arsenault said, "The chances are good" that the union will accept the agreement, "but the members always have the last word."
He said Alcan's final offer was "good. We finally found solutions to the language of agreement and regarding contracting out and the lack of workers." The hourly workers at Alma make about $30/hour, he said.
Arsenault said the new contract would be a five-year agreement with the possibility of four more years if Alcan invests $1 billion at Alma for a phase two expansion. This investment would provide 150 permanent jobs.