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Primary Aluminium Production Of USA For November 2010

Wednesday, Dec 15, 2010

Figure in metric tons  Production Average Daily Production  Annual Rate of Production
2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009
January 141,688 192,639 4,571 6,214 1,668,262 2,268,169
February 130,246 149,371 4,652 5,335 1,697,850 1,947,158
March 146,555 153,708 4,728 4,958 1,725,567 1,809,788
April 142,164 145,039 4,739 4,835 1,729,662 1,764,641
May 147,493 147,027 4,758 4,743 1,736,611 1,731,124
June 141,339 131,766 4,711 4,392 1,719,625 1,603,153
July 146,280 135,389 4,719 4,367 1,722,329 1,594,096
August 145,969 133,409 4,709 4,304 1,718,667 1,570,783
September 143,115 129,349 4,771 4,312 1,741,233 1,573,746
Octomber 148,331 136,560 4,785 4,405 1,746,478 1,607,884
November 144,457 133,236 4,815 4,441 1,757,560 1,621,038
December   139,674   4,506   1,644,549
Total Year 1,577,637 1,727,167 4,723 4,732 1,724,064 1,727,167

Note: Participating companies include:Alcan、Alcoa、Century Aluminum、Columbia Falls Aluminum、Noranda Aluminum and Ormet.

This report is based on information reported to the Association by participants, which is aggregated by the Association.