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SHFE Metals Close Price For Apr 27,2012

Friday, Apr 27, 2012
Product Delivery
Open High Low Close


Change1 Change2 Volume Open Interest
/ Change

Aluminum 1205 16065 16080 16100 16060 16060 16080 -5 15 2544 22050 -374
1206 16125 16150 16150 16135 16140 16140 15 15 2686 38760 -662
1207 16155 16195 16200 16160 16175 16170 20 15 5462 63994 -1256
1208 16170 16225 16225 16180 16195 16190 25 20 5556 61062 1374
1209 16185 16250 16250 16200 16220 16215 35 30 1590 21818 522
1210 16215 16230 16250 16230 16250 16245 35 30 68 3358 38
1211 16260       16260 16260 0 0   648 0
1212 16260       16260 16260 0 0   224 0
1301 16330       16360 16360 30 30   306 0
1302 16395       16425 16425 30 30   40 0
1303 16385       16385 16385 0 0   50 0
1304 16425       16425 16425 0 0   6 0
Total                 17906 212316 -358

Gold 1205 337.66 338.35 338.35 338.35 338.35 338.35 0.69 0.69 4 108 -4
1206 336.60 338.46 338.51 337.31 337.46 337.91 0.86 1.31 5410 10550 -3040
1207 337.16 337.49 339.29 337.49 337.73 338.62 0.57 1.46 40 44 2
1208 337.50       337.50 337.50 0.00 0.00   16 0
1209 337.65 339.87 339.87 338.92 338.92 339.25 1.27 1.60 38 60 -2
1210 337.20 338.97 339.08 338.90 339.08 338.96 1.88 1.76 16 66 -2
1211 337.42 339.16 339.16 339.16 339.16 339.16 1.74 1.74 2 22 0
1212 337.29 339.34 339.44 338.17 338.22 338.88 0.93 1.59 36908 96104 -4676
1301 337.18       337.18 337.18 0.00 0.00   14 0
1302 337.68 338.70 338.70 338.70 338.70 338.70 1.02 1.02 2 26 0
1303 337.72       337.72 337.72 0.00 0.00   12 0
1304 335.90 339.17 339.17 339.17 339.17 339.17 3.27 3.27 2 4 2
Total                 42422 107026 -7720

Copper 1205 57890 58270 58460 58250 58300 58360 410 470 8892 23030 -2482
1206 58000 58450 58660 58380 58500 58520 500 520 12120 62208 -3990
1207 57980 58550 58650 58350 58480 58490 500 510 95170 164796 -15830
1208 57960 58510 58640 58300 58460 58470 500 510 306568 185442 -1248
1209 57980 58600 58650 58320 58470 58490 490 510 23004 36960 3558
1210 57970 58610 58630 58350 58460 58500 490 530 2504 7992 996
1211 58000 58530 58650 58380 58500 58560 500 560 250 3166 104
1212 57980 58500 58720 58430 58530 58590 550 610 240 2466 64
1301 58040 58500 58770 58370 58590 58590 550 550 82 1006 34
1302 58140 58550 58740 58450 58630 58610 490 470 64 322 -4
1303 58220 58690 58690 58570 58650 58650 430 430 132 346 100
1304 58290 58600 58810 58510 58610 58580 320 290 130 290 88
Total                 449156 488024 -18610

Zinc 1205 15390 15450 15480 15400 15430 15435 40 45 3298 18880 -116
1206 15460 15555 15565 15495 15505 15520 45 60 10130 55914 -4838
1207 15540 15660 15660 15580 15600 15605 60 65 58390 160140 -13962
1208 15630 15720 15735 15655 15695 15685 65 55 63468 93076 676
1209 15690 15855 15855 15740 15755 15760 65 70 5240 17852 2766
1210 15755 15820 15850 15800 15810 15815 55 60 764 3256 254
1211 15825 15865 15905 15865 15890 15875 65 50 18 640 10
1212 15910 15935 15935 15935 15935 15935 25 25 4 314 2
1301 15950 15995 15995 15990 15990 15990 40 40 8 260 -4
1302 15980 16020 16020 16020 16020 16020 40 40 2 170 -2
1303 16055 16075 16135 16050 16090 16090 35 35 12 112 -2
1304 16130 16115 16130 16115 16130 16120 0 -10 4 6 4
Total                 141338 350620 -15212

    1) Unit of copper, aluminium and Total is Chinese yuan a metric ton; unit of gold is Chinese yuan a gram;

    2) Ch.1 is day's close minus previous settlement, while

    Ch.2 is day's settlement minus previous settlement;

    3) Volume and open interest are in lots;

    4) One lot is equivalent to 5 metric tons.