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SHFE Metals Close Price For Apr 26,2012

Thursday, Apr 26, 2012
Product Delivery
Open High Low Close


Change1 Change2 Volume Open Interest
/ Change

Aluminum 1205 16060 16080 16090 16055 16080 16065 20 5 1520 22424 -702
1206 16120 16135 16140 16110 16140 16125 20 5 3658 39422 -68
1207 16155 16155 16180 16135 16180 16155 25 0 4878 65250 -1770
1208 16175 16160 16205 16145 16190 16170 15 -5 8830 59688 2990
1209 16190 16175 16220 16165 16220 16185 30 -5 1704 21296 434
1210 16210 16200 16235 16200 16235 16215 25 5 114 3320 38
1211 16255 16245 16270 16245 16270 16260 15 5 6 648 0
1212 16280 16260 16260 16260 16260 16260 -20 -20 20 224 0
1301 16330       16330 16330 0 0   306 0
1302 16395       16395 16395 0 0   40 0
1303 16385       16385 16385 0 0   50 0
1304 16425       16425 16425 0 0   6 0
Total                 20730 212674 922

Gold 1205 336.00 339.98 339.98 335.76 336.43 337.66 0.43 1.66 138 112 2
1206 335.96 336.02 337.29 336.02 337.25 336.60 1.29 0.64 6252 13590 -2888
1207 335.97 336.93 337.49 336.93 337.49 337.16 1.52 1.19 10 42 2
1208 336.05 337.50 337.50 337.50 337.50 337.50 1.45 1.45 2 16 0
1209 336.52 337.76 338.67 337.10 338.67 337.65 2.15 1.13 16 62 2
1210 336.33 337.47 337.47 336.94 336.94 337.20 0.61 0.87 8 68 0
1211 336.16 337.40 337.47 337.40 337.47 337.42 1.31 1.26 6 22 -4
1212 336.21 336.49 338.07 336.48 338.03 337.29 1.82 1.08 38702 100780 9502
1301 336.47 337.08 337.27 337.08 337.19 337.18 0.72 0.71 6 14 -2
1302 336.36       337.68 337.68 1.32 1.32   26 0
1303 336.01       337.72 337.72 1.71 1.71   12 0
1304 335.90       335.90 335.90 0.00 0.00   2 0
Total                 45140 114746 6614

Copper 1205 57600 57710 58190 57680 58140 57890 540 290 10022 25512 -3012
1206 57690 57880 58330 57760 58320 58000 630 310 16986 66198 -7244
1207 57620 57770 58320 57690 58290 57980 670 360 164394 180626 -15720
1208 57560 57780 58300 57630 58260 57960 700 400 355654 186690 22482
1209 57560 57790 58310 57640 58290 57980 730 420 20370 33402 2710
1210 57590 57780 58330 57670 58300 57970 710 380 2492 6996 796
1211 57590 57770 58330 57770 58310 58000 720 410 430 3062 222
1212 57640 57760 58340 57760 58340 57980 700 340 234 2402 -12
1301 57660 57740 58410 57740 58390 58040 730 380 44 972 6
1302 57710 57750 58370 57750 58370 58140 660 430 22 326 -2
1303 57720 58040 58460 58000 58460 58220 740 500 28 246 8
1304 57710 57820 58540 57820 58420 58290 710 580 58 202 34
Total                 570734 506634 268

Zinc 1205 15355 15345 15445 15340 15435 15390 80 35 3196 18996 -1918
1206 15430 15435 15520 15425 15515 15460 85 30 9456 60752 -5108
1207 15500 15510 15600 15495 15595 15540 95 40 90186 174102 -6752
1208 15570 15580 15695 15570 15685 15630 115 60 72586 92400 23790
1209 15640 15630 15760 15630 15755 15690 115 50 3940 15086 2012
1210 15705 15765 15820 15700 15820 15755 115 50 210 3002 -36
1211 15775 15900 15900 15800 15845 15825 70 50 48 630 4
1212 15810 15910 15910 15910 15910 15910 100 100 2 312 0
1301 15865 15885 15965 15885 15965 15950 100 85 28 264 10
1302 15940 15975 16045 15915 16020 15980 80 40 28 172 -20
1303 15990 15955 16090 15955 16005 16055 15 65 38 114 24
1304 16130       16130 16130 0 0   2 0
Total                 179718 365832 12006

    1) Unit of copper, aluminium and Total is Chinese yuan a metric ton; unit of gold is Chinese yuan a gram;

    2) Ch.1 is day's close minus previous settlement, while

    Ch.2 is day's settlement minus previous settlement;

    3) Volume and open interest are in lots;

    4) One lot is equivalent to 5 metric tons.