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SHFE Metals Close Price For August 18,2011

Thursday, Aug 18, 2011
Product Delivery
Open High Low Close


Change1 Change2 Volume Open Interest
/ Change
Aluminium 1109 17565 17610 17660 17400 17400 17490 -165 -75 10900 48310 -5436
1110 17370 17435 17495 17265 17290 17375 -80 5 28208 107390 -3000
1111 17275 17345 17430 17195 17205 17300 -70 25 142262 114872 468
1112 17200 17285 17335 17120 17130 17220 -70 20 14356 75010 -268
1201 17145 17190 17300 17095 17125 17195 -20 50 4288 22642 -130
1202 17130 17190 17280 17100 17140 17175 10 45 866 11630 166
1203 17100 17115 17240 17090 17105 17140 5 40 964 3432 -206
1204 17100 17130 17240 17095 17100 17135 0 35 58 1060 -4
1205 17075 17115 17220 17065 17075 17130 0 55 110 2148 -14
1206 17090 17090 17090 17090 17090 17090 0 0 4 676 4
1207 17085 17050 17200 17050 17050 17130 -35 45 18 710 0
1208 17155       17155 17155 0 0   10 0
TOTAL                 202034 387890 -8420
Copper 1109 66860 67450 67450 66750 66800 67040 -60 180 3768 29464 -210
1110 66780 67160 67300 66660 66740 66990 -40 210 41264 95972 -6632
1111 66820 67120 67340 66610 66700 66970 -120 150 233894 154180 7880
1112 66830 67080 67320 66650 66680 66950 -150 120 5252 23080 1000
1201 66840 67200 67300 66630 66800 66920 -40 80 1190 7266 254
1202 66940 66970 67360 66740 66800 67020 -140 80 410 3794 190
1203 66960 67080 67300 66840 66850 67050 -110 90 118 2204 14
1204 66940 67190 67350 67080 67080 67200 140 260 6 1262 -4
1205 66990 67400 67440 66770 66770 67220 -220 230 272 970 46
1206 66940 66960 67240 66960 67240 67000 300 60 24 1298 2
1207 67080 66750 67350 66750 66970 67290 -110 210 54 542 50
1208 66990 67350 67350 67350 67350 67350 360 360 40 84 38
TOTAL                 286292 320116 2628
Zinc 1109 16725 16860 17050 16595 16855 16925 130 200 4034 17542 -1222
1110 16800 16865 17130 16660 16935 16950 135 150 167338 105026 -19810
1111 16910 16980 17280 16755 17030 17070 120 160 837200 231796 18382
1112 17020 17090 17360 16870 17140 17170 120 150 23064 32084 1964
1201 17105 17165 17445 16960 17215 17255 110 150 6542 11678 832
1202 17210 17180 17540 17110 17255 17315 45 105 142 1550 0
1203 17295 17300 17460 17300 17350 17405 55 110 12 438 0
1204 17400 17620 17620 17500 17500 17540 100 140 6 370 -2
1205 17510 17690 17690 17350 17615 17545 105 35 56 136 4
1206 17650 17380 18000 17380 17730 17740 80 90 22 96 -8
1207 17820       17820 17820 0 0   30 0
1208 17905       17905 17905 0 0     0
TOTAL                 1038416 400746 140
Gold 1109 367.48 371.28 372.47 370.70 371.99 371.90 4.51 4.42 18 28 -8
1110 366.00 368.12 368.12 368.12 368.12 368.12 2.12 2.12 2 42 0
1111 367.37 367.09 374.02 367.09 374.02 369.84 6.65 2.47 62 140 12
1112 368.61 368.00 370.61 367.93 370.38 369.44 1.77 0.83 74180 94814 5166
1201 368.16 366.82 369.74 366.82 369.74 368.65 1.58 0.49 184 580 52
1202 369.35       369.35 369.35 0.00 0.00   142 0
1203 365.50       365.98 365.98 0.48 0.48   72 0
1204 374.27       374.27 374.27 0.00 0.00   10 0
1205 368.93       368.93 368.93 0.00 0.00   12 0
1206 369.53 368.40 371.09 368.40 370.65 370.19 1.12 0.66 342 1604 58
1207 369.99       369.99 369.99 0.00 0.00   2 0
1208 369.99       369.99 369.99 0.00 0.00     0
TOTAL                 74788 97446 5280

1) Unit of copper, aluminium and Total is Chinese yuan a metric ton; unit of gold is Chinese yuan a gram;
2) Ch.1 is day's close minus previous settlement, while
Ch.2 is day's settlement minus previous settlement;
3) Volume and open interest are in lots;
4) One lot is equivalent to 5 metric tons.