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SHFE Metals Close Price For Feb 22,2011

Tuesday, Feb 22, 2011
Product Delivery
Open High Low Close


Change1 Change2 Volume Open Interest
/ Change

aluminum             1103 16985 16995 17070 16865 16890 16955 -95 -30 4758 30520 -688
1104 17135 17150 17250 16995 17020 17085 -115 -50 9926 61654 -3126
1105 17305 17315 17440 17150 17170 17280 -135 -25 75502 104606 -4212
1106 17400 17390 17515 17230 17260 17360 -140 -40 12556 38060 3914
1107 17455 17460 17560 17280 17310 17340 -145 -115 8486 27654 3970
1108 17500 17565 17570 17305 17330 17365 -170 -135 5556 18014 3580
1109 17565 17600 17610 17330 17360 17425 -205 -140 1550 6190 708
1110 17630 17660 17670 17365 17385 17445 -245 -185 2056 5132 982
1111 17655 17700 17730 17410 17415 17460 -240 -195 672 1898 448
1112 17800 17885 17885 17365 17500 17605 -300 -195 90 150 34
1201 17610 17735 17975 17530 17530 17740 -80 130 44 28 10
1202 17940       17940 17940 0 0     0
Total                 121196 293906 5620

gold             1103 287.42       287.42 287.42 0.00 0.00   34 0
1104 295.92 297.03 301.50 296.97 296.97 297.90 1.05 1.98 10 40 -4
1105 297.03 299.20 299.20 297.11 298.20 298.70 1.17 1.67 38 120 0
1106 299.12 301.54 302.11 298.90 299.50 300.78 0.38 1.66 24686 53274 -2298
1107 299.10 301.70 301.70 300.23 300.99 301.03 1.89 1.93 46 52 2
1108 302.17 302.20 302.20 300.87 300.87 301.53 -1.30 -0.64 4 4 0
1109 301.20       300.56 300.56 -0.64 -0.64   30 0
1110 300.98       300.34 300.34 -0.64 -0.64   40 0
1111 301.99       301.35 301.35 -0.64 -0.64   8 0
1112 301.02 302.97 304.40 300.85 301.70 302.38 0.68 1.36 292 1294 34
1201 299.80 302.90 304.10 302.90 304.10 303.50 4.30 3.70 4 10 -2
1202 299.80       303.50 303.50 3.70 3.70     0
Total                 25080 54906 -2268

copper             1103 73540 73830 74190 72730 72980 73260 -560 -280 6814 28254 -914
1104 73800 73780 74440 72990 73180 73530 -620 -270 11382 50526 -4978
1105 74270 74260 74980 73300 73580 74000 -690 -270 198998 187574 -3842
1106 74560 74520 75240 73600 73890 74320 -670 -240 19546 37536 2868
1107 74810 74840 75400 73820 74150 74610 -660 -200 736 3604 248
1108 74920 75290 75510 74100 74300 74640 -620 -280 112 1974 16
1109 75020 75310 75810 74150 74170 74660 -850 -360 166 1052 8
1110 75130 75280 75700 74450 74450 75260 -680 130 46 374 12
1111 75000 75070 75500 74280 75200 75320 200 320 24 424 -2
1112 74820 75500 75500 73710 74440 74890 -380 70 42 568 12
1201 75030 75400 75400 75350 75350 75380 320 350 8 680 0
1202 74890 75350 75350 74000 74200 74500 -690 -390 22 704 0
Total                 237896 313270 -6572

zinc             1103 19900 20115 20115 18785 19345 19570 -555 -330 5654 14296 -2580
1104 20095 20200 20345 18965 19550 19760 -545 -335 20032 41468 -3852
1105 20305 20420 20560 19150 19740 19945 -565 -360 970682 337532 -58812
1106 20475 20600 20715 19325 19920 20115 -555 -360 42382 26504 1834
1107 20605 20745 20810 19540 20070 20275 -535 -330 1502 3458 70
1108 20680 20880 20890 19600 20185 20180 -495 -500 246 3068 2
1109 20815 20895 21060 19900 20310 20440 -505 -375 656 2170 102
1110 20905 21290 21290 20000 20555 20795 -350 -110 190 1806 -24
1111 20990 20880 20880 20240 20400 20485 -590 -505 12 126 2
1112 21175 21010 21010 20470 20595 20690 -580 -485 20 54 8
1201 21220 21150 21150 20560 20740 20785 -480 -435 10 216 2
1202 21555 21555 21555 20505 20695 20915 -860 -640 14 10 6
Total                 1041400 430708 -63242

1) Unit of copper, aluminium and Total is Chinese yuan a metric ton; unit of gold is Chinese yuan a gram;
2) Ch.1 is day's close minus previous settlement, while
Ch.2 is day's settlement minus previous settlement;
3) Volume and open interest are in lots;
4) One lot is equivalent to 5 metric tons.