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SHFE Metals Close Price For Dec 3,2010

Friday, Dec 03, 2010
Product Delivery
Open High Low Close


Change1 Change2 Volume Open Interest
/ Change
aluminum             1012 16050 16045 16050 15995 16000 16005 -50 -45 2700 23160 -670
1101 16205 16185 16200 16120 16130 16150 -75 -55 1580 39908 -338
1102 16395 16335 16385 16270 16310 16315 -85 -80 4458 71072 -2270
1103 16565 16505 16560 16440 16480 16485 -85 -80 28672 75290 272
1104 16705 16650 16695 16595 16645 16640 -60 -65 982 19988 52
1105 16860 16810 16855 16745 16790 16790 -70 -70 502 11814 -42
1106 17005 16925 16980 16915 16980 16945 -25 -60 28 3158 0
1107 17180 17130 17130 17100 17105 17120 -75 -60 28 1128 14
1108 17365 17320 17320 17240 17240 17280 -125 -85 4 930 0
1109 17505 17320 17475 17320 17350 17395 -155 -110 10 724 -4
1110 17565 17480 17600 17425 17600 17505 35 -60 32 178 4
1111 17655       17655 17655 0 0   280 0
Total                 38996 247630 -2982
gold             1012 298.78 296.50 296.50 296.50 296.50 296.50 -2.28 -2.28 6 312 -6
1101 300.49 300.00 300.00 298.63 299.10 299.34 -1.39 -1.15 12 152 -2
1102 299.96 301.51 301.51 300.00 300.00 301.16 0.04 1.20 10 308 -8
1103 301.24 301.90 302.09 301.90 302.09 301.98 0.85 0.74 6 100 0
1104 302.05 302.09 302.09 302.09 302.09 302.09 0.04 0.04 2 84 2
1105 303.31 303.60 303.98 300.36 302.00 302.87 -1.31 -0.44 20 94 0
1106 304.28 304.32 304.80 302.94 303.65 304.05 -0.63 -0.23 20782 81122 1378
1107 309.59 304.11 304.11 304.11 304.11 304.11 -5.48 -5.48 6 54 -6
1108 306.99       301.55 301.55 -5.44 -5.44   4 0
1109 304.61       299.21 299.21 -5.40 -5.40   12 0
1110 305.04 306.50 306.50 306.50 306.50 306.50 1.46 1.46 2 52 2
1111 305.00       305.00 305.00 0.00 0.00   8 0
Total                 20846 82302 1360
copper             1012 64510 64620 64880 64130 64850 64490 340 -20 2700 16170 190
1101 64890 64940 65600 64500 65300 64870 410 -20 2062 29810 -156
1102 64970 65190 65480 64600 65480 65060 510 90 10020 47066 -1460
1103 65210 65400 65800 64700 65790 65280 580 70 247250 179506 7946
1104 65180 65490 65790 64780 65710 65290 530 110 4030 14980 774
1105 65280 65200 66000 64830 66000 65440 720 160 1450 7066 252
1106 65270 65240 65800 64870 65800 65380 530 110 80 1444 0
1107 65250 65400 65740 65080 65740 65550 490 300 58 782 -14
1108 65290 65360 65710 65000 65660 65340 370 50 26 1102 0
1109 65370 66490 66490 65000 65890 65550 520 180 162 392 -8
1110 65390 65360 66000 65050 66000 65500 610 110 30 192 -2
1111 65470 66290 66290 64950 65250 65230 -220 -240 36 152 -12
Total                 267904 298662 7510
zinc             1012 17690 17850 17950 17680 17850 17870 160 180 940 14390 -250
1101 17835 18035 18115 17800 18025 17965 190 130 1560 18032 -302
1102 18000 18200 18270 17965 18200 18135 200 135 16966 56036 -4050
1103 18215 18450 18480 18155 18400 18315 185 100 1029728 281334 -16108
1104 18385 18600 18655 18320 18575 18515 190 130 7518 18194 956
1105 18560 18700 18810 18500 18735 18660 175 100 4500 12378 -486
1106 18555 18800 18900 18645 18860 18820 305 265 184 2276 -36
1107 18800 19000 19000 18765 18925 18930 125 130 114 2522 -2
1108 18815 18930 19090 18825 19000 18980 185 165 34 2982 -14
1109 18935 19105 19250 18990 19100 19115 165 180 176 1862 22
1110 19165 19140 19200 19005 19140 19075 -25 -90 34 1500 2
1111 19025 19180 19340 19180 19340 19260 315 235 4 164 0
Total                 1061758 411670 -20268

1) Unit of copper, aluminium and Total is Chinese yuan a metric ton; unit of gold is Chinese yuan a gram;
2) Ch.1 is day's close minus previous settlement, while
Ch.2 is day's settlement minus previous settlement;
3) Volume and open interest are in lots;
4) One lot is equivalent to 5 metric tons.