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SHFE Metals Close Price For Nov 18, 2010

Thursday, Nov 18, 2010
Product Delivery
Open High Low Close


Change1 Change2 Volume Open Interest
/ Change

aluminum             1012 15845 15995 16455 15920 16130 16080 285 235 15614 33110 -3038
1101 15980 16140 16315 16100 16235 16200 255 220 11838 56714 -3806
1102 16140 16260 16495 16250 16385 16350 245 210 141974 96414 -15090
1103 16310 16490 16650 16420 16540 16515 230 205 33696 55978 110
1104 16425 16585 16775 16560 16680 16635 255 210 896 9340 -132
1105 16520 16955 16955 16695 16790 16765 270 245 1256 11818 -106
1106 16585 16800 17135 16800 16935 16980 350 395 426 3036 -164
1107 16895 16885 17165 16885 17120 17015 225 120 42 458 2
1108 16865 17005 17585 17005 17065 17400 200 535 118 222 66
1109 17000 17365 17365 17365 17365 17365 365 365 2 286 2
1110 17020 17495 17495 17495 17495 17495 475 475 2 78 0
1111 17200 17450 17450 17450 17450 17450 250 250 2 14 -2
Total                 205866 267468 -22158

gold             1012 286.64 289.66 291.30 288.42 290.00 289.85 3.36 3.21 126 980 -36
1101 285.25 288.99 290.49 288.99 290.00 289.95 4.75 4.70 14 190 4
1102 286.31 290.00 291.98 286.51 289.39 289.24 3.08 2.93 20 364 -2
1103 286.76 289.99 291.00 289.99 291.00 290.12 4.24 3.36 26 114 -14
1104 285.78 289.40 291.58 288.49 291.58 289.76 5.80 3.98 14 78 -2
1105 288.58 291.00 292.90 290.10 291.80 291.17 3.22 2.59 44 74 0
1106 288.85 291.44 293.30 291.11 292.99 292.10 4.14 3.25 37008 58876 2730
1107 288.70 290.00 292.50 290.00 290.00 290.35 1.30 1.65 14 60 12
1108 291.24       292.91 292.91 1.67 1.67   2 0
1109 289.43 294.00 294.00 294.00 294.00 294.00 4.57 4.57 2 14 0
1110 290.80 292.20 294.70 292.20 294.70 293.32 3.90 2.52 8 42 4
1111 296.93       296.93 296.93 0.00 0.00     0
Total                 37276 60794 2696

copper             1012 61480 63000 63410 61600 62610 62240 1130 760 5306 24896 -1004
1101 61490 62380 63760 61570 62700 62290 1210 800 8778 38860 -3210
1102 61770 62610 62950 61560 62720 62360 950 590 203094 101834 -9740
1103 61880 62980 63180 61720 62910 62570 1030 690 180774 96812 6534
1104 62010 63000 63580 61940 62910 62750 900 740 2458 5850 486
1105 62010 62890 63870 61910 63080 62690 1070 680 1960 4070 778
1106 62240 63240 63240 62100 62940 62860 700 620 202 1158 -96
1107 62100 62870 63000 62080 63000 62830 900 730 76 640 -22
1108 62190 62510 63000 62500 63000 62850 810 660 90 1110 -2
1109 62260 63000 63390 62060 63060 62690 800 430 88 402 -2
1110 62060 62900 63300 61060 63140 62720 1080 660 110 218 2
1111 61680 62880 63160 61990 63040 62850 1360 1170 144 102 20
Total                 403080 275952 -6256

zinc             1012 17305 17520 17665 16120 17490 17325 185 20 5054 17226 -1002
1101 17495 17335 17955 17050 17680 17455 185 -40 16578 20798 -1294
1102 17660 17660 18020 17220 17870 17670 210 10 582754 145080 -38242
1103 17815 17815 18215 17420 18070 17870 255 55 1356918 206848 20552
1104 17950 18200 18940 17625 18245 18090 295 140 11206 9806 2136
1105 18210 17760 18760 17760 18465 18250 255 40 10998 10010 -362
1106 18440 17960 18650 17960 18650 18400 210 -40 1900 2680 -4
1107 18365 18415 19000 18200 18630 18495 265 130 394 2476 10
1108 18665 18800 18800 18300 18800 18665 135 0 50 2874 -2
1109 18655 18650 19495 18155 18895 18690 240 35 372 1774 -64
1110 18735 19395 19395 18340 18945 19045 210 310 310 1508 -14
1111 18405 19340 19340 18550 19030 18905 625 500 266 412 -76
Total                 1986800 421492 -18362

p style="font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size:11px;">1) Unit of copper, aluminium and Total is Chinese yuan a metric ton; unit of gold is Chinese yuan a gram;
2) Ch.1 is day's close minus previous settlement, while
Ch.2 is day's settlement minus previous settlement;
3) Volume and open interest are in lots;
4) One lot is equivalent to 5 metric tons.