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Galvanized Tread Plate

Galvanized Tread Plate
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Product Name:Galvanized Tread Plate
Place of Origin:Peoples Republic of China
Post Date:October 4, 2022
Edit Date:October 4, 2022
Company Name :
Diamond Tread Plate Factory
Add:08 Xingde Road, Dezhou, Shandong, China
Detailed Product Description:

Galvanized tread plates refers to hot rolled steel plate or coil chequered in one side surface and hot dipped galvanised for anti corrosion and anti rusting protection.

Galvanized tread plate are regularly used in applications where corrosion resistance is necessary. Flat galvanized plate are easy to drill, form and weld. Galvanized tread plates can be cut to specific dimensions in conformance with ASTM A123. Galvanized tread plate metal products are available in several size options and provide increased ductility and ease of use over other materials.

5mm galvanised tread plate 1206 x 2005.

Galvanized Tread Plate 1/4 x 48 x 96"

MS Checkered Plate Heavy Duty, 8 ft X 4 ft X 10 mm
MS Checkered Plate, 8 ft X 4 ft X 6 mm
MS Plate, 8 ft X 4 ft X 16 mm
MS Plate Heavy Duty, 8 ft X 4 ft X 10 mm
SS 316L Sheet, 8 ft X 4 ft X 1 mm
SS 316L Sheet, 8 ft X 4 ft X 2 mm
Note: Mention the Grade for MS.

Nose Tread Checkered plate nosing: Galvanized, 2” x 2” x 30” Long, 5mm

Perforated metal tread plate to cover an 8' x 20' area with galvanized material.

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