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Platform and Walkway Grating

Platform and Walkway Grating
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Product Name:Platform and Walkway Grating
Place of Origin:Peoples Republic of China
Post Date:June 19, 2017
Edit Date:June 19, 2017
Company Name :
Anping Mengke Wire Mesh Manufacture Co., Limited
Add:East industrial Zone, Anping, Hebei, China.
Detailed Product Description:

Steel bar grating has so many applications. The platform and walkway application is one of the most important applications.Platform and walkway grating is widely used in the factories, walking street, parking lot, port, warehouse and other places to form a flat and open operating platform or walkway. Sometimes, the platform and walkway grating can be used combined with stair tread gratings for further application.

The main types of platform and walkway grating are welded steel grating, swage-locked grating, press-locked grating, riveted grating and close mesh grating. Welded steel grating is the most commonly used type, it is suitable for all common applications. The swage-locked grating and press-locked grating supply excellent lateral stiffness of the grating. The riveted grating and close mesh grating are suitable for pedestrians who wearing high-heel shoes, roller skates and wheeled equipment passing through. To suit the shapes of ground and equipment, there maybe need irregular steel grating in some places.

Welded platform and walking grating.
Swage-locked platform and walking grating.
Press-locked platform and waling grating.
Riveted platform and walking grating.
Close mesh platform and walking grating.
Irregular shape platform and walking grating.


Platform grating

Platform grating is mainly used in the parking lot, power plant, factory, waste treatment factories as the operating or parking places. The platform grating can be used combined with stair treads, to form a simple steel structure. In some places, the irregular steel grating is needed to suit the ground shape or equipment shape.

Platform grating used in the parking lot as temporary applications.
Platform grating in water treatment factory.
Platform grating used in the power plant.
Platform grating is commonly used combined with stair treads grating.
Irregular platform grating is used to suit the ground shapes.
The irregular shape platform grating is used to spare space for equipment.

Walkway grating

Walkway grating is commonly used in the port, offshore, gardens, pedestrian street as a walkways. The walkways in the port and offshore are commonly used as a permanent or temporary applications. It is much easier to install and uninstall than the concrete or other material ground or walkways.

The walkway grating used in the gardens and pedestrians features good air and water ventilation. It saves time and cost to maintain it. The walkway grating is ideal for pedestrian who wearing high-heeled shoes and roller skates easy passing. It is also suitable for the wheel chairs, baby carriage and other wheel equipment passing through.

Walkway used in the offshore oil industry.
Walkway is used in the port.
Walkway is installed on the bank of lake for pedestrian walking.
Walkway used in the park bridge.
Close mesh walkway grating can ensure the safe access of pedestrian wearing high-heeled shoes.
The riveted walkway grating is available for the wheeled equipment passing.

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