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Cardboard Spectrometer Kit

Cardboard Spectrometer Kit
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Product Name:Cardboard Spectrometer Kit
Place of Origin:Peoples Republic of China
Post Date:January 16, 2010
Edit Date:January 16, 2010
Company Name :
KTS Group
Add:No.38. 5nd Floor, Bozorgmehr Shomali 2 St. Sajjad blvd. Mashhad , Iran, Mashhad, khorasan, Iran 
Detailed Product Description:

Cardboard Spectrometer Kit Now your students can see the absorption lines in the sun's spectrum,

Cardboard Spectrometer Kit (LSE)
Cardboard Spectrometer Kit Now your students can see the absorption lines in the suns spectrum, the spectra of energized elements in gaseous states and the double yellow line of Mercury vapor in the spectrum of a fluorescent lamp. Light pollution can be studied by checking yellow street lights to see if they are high- or low-pressure sodium lamps. The spectrometer comes with a strip of film and a scale from which a color may be identified by wavelength in nanometers or photon energy in electron volts. The activities include: Observing what diffraction grating does
calibrating the spectrometer
identifying various light sources and spectra of gaseous elements. The cardboard spectrometer kit comes unassembled and contains (10 of each unless noted): 1-inch plastic disks with diffraction grating
sets of cardboard top and bottom pieces
long and short Styrofoam pieces
cardboard support tubes
sets of 5 nuts and bolts
film strips (35mm) with slits and wavelength/photon energy scales
1 set of instructions & activities.

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