- Brand Name: Ouda
- Place of Origin: Shanghai China (Mainland)
- Model Number: Ouda-112
High performance,low cost
Good recommend
Width :200mm-800mm
hot rolling mill,hot rolling machine
(hot rolling mill,hot rolling machine,rolling machine)
1. raw material spec.140160×160380×50006000mm
2. Steel type: mainly carbon steel and low-alloy steel, high quality carbon steel for complementary
3. Product spec.: 1.84.5×180400 mm
4. coil weight8502850kg
5. coil dia.φ900φ1300 mm
6. Purpose: used as material for welded steel pipe, cold-bend steel section and cold rolled strips
7. production capacity: 300,000T500,000T
Continuous casting sheet billet is hoisted to loading path by the travelling crane for raw material warehouse and pushes into single-row, hot dirt coal gas combustion or oil combustion, side discharging and continuous heating furnace by the pusher, and then is heated to 11501200 It is pushed to unloading path by the extractor and to φ650×1800 mm rough mill through the rail at mill entry side and is rolled back and forth for 5 passes to 2532 mm immediate billet which the temperature is more than 1000. After irregular strip head is cut, it is rolled continuously in two vertical and eight horizontal fining mills. During rolling, strip tension and flow among stands are kept with electrical looper. It is rolled into various hot strips among 1.84.5 m and then becomes snakelike shape through twisting, pinching, diverging and shaking, and is sent to two flat conveyors individually for cooling and delivering. it is sent to vertical coiler to wind after pinching of pinch roll and rectifying of five-roll tension rectifier and then sent to transfer chain. After checking and acceptance and it is eligible, it is packed to coil and lifted to final product warehouse by traversing crane and piled into each area according to steel type.
Our company has strong technical force in research,desing,manufacture,installation and debugging.Now the company has over 800 staffs including more than 100 senior engineers. Half of them came from the famous steel corporation -Baosteel Group Corporation and Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation. They have more than 20 years experience in the research and design of metallurgical machine such as rolling mill,pickling line,etc. We also have strong technique team in producing, installing and debugging.
In 2007, our annual yield reached more than 60 million US dollars and our products sell well in Southeast Asia, Brazil, India, Turkey and we are exploiting Europe and American market.