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Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer

Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer
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Product Name:Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer
Place of Origin:Peoples Republic of China
Post Date:December 28, 2009
Edit Date:December 28, 2009
Company Name :
Al-qadi Agro-chem.
Add:amman jordan, p.o.box 940908 amman11194, amman, amman, Jordan 940908amman11194
Detailed Product Description:

Measurements of Arsenic, Selenium, Bismuth, Antimony and Tellurium

Product Description: MILLENNIUM EXCALIBURMeasurements of Arsenic, Selenium, Bismuth, Antimony and TelluriumDetection Levels:As: 10 pptSe: 2 pptSb: 10 ppt High accuracy Linearity : over 5 orders of magnitude 0  1 volt output allows simple coupling to chromatograph data packages for specialist measurements Fully controlled by software Can be coupled with HPLC for Arsenic, Selenium, Bismuth, Antimony, Tellurium speciation

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