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Refurbished Thermo Jarrell Ash ICAP 61E Trace Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer

Refurbished  Thermo Jarrell Ash ICAP 61E Trace Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer
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Product Name:Refurbished Thermo Jarrell Ash ICAP 61E Trace Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer
Place of Origin:Peoples Republic of China
Post Date:December 22, 2009
Edit Date:December 22, 2009
Company Name :
Saba Decore Co.
Add:no 102 - javadieh st - broujerdi sq - pirouzi ave, tehran, Iran 17647
Detailed Product Description:

Item#: TJICPX-61ETrace
Price: $38,000.00

Thermo Jarrell Ash - Model ICAP 61E Trace Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer System (Includes 61E Trace ICAP Spectrometer, AS-300 Autosampler, Computer Data System, ThermoSpec Software)

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