Specially designed to stimulate Ageing (gradual heating) condition for various material to a maximum operating temperature
Specially designed to stimulate Ageing (gradual heating) condition for various material to a maximum operating temperature not exceeding 200 °C with time control.
The outer chamber and inner chamber is fabricated out of mild steel suitably reinforced wherever required. The clear inner chamber have provision for inserting thermocouple, baffle plates and will have provision to hold trolley if required. The insulation is with high density glass wool to eliminate the radiation heat loss.
To avoid direct heating of the materials baffle plates are provided on both sides of the chamber to avoid the heating elements getting into contact with the load. The heating element used will be Nichrome heaters.
The heater and the blower will be interlocked so that unless the blower is on the heating elements will be placed in such a way that they are behind the baffle plates for maintaining uniform temperature and to govern the movement of air.
Uniform temperature is maintained by a 0.5 Hp motor with blower assembly. A chimney is provided in the top with adjustable outlet.
The temperature is controlled by Digital Temperature Indicator cum Controller working in conjunction with a iron constant thermocouple.