Steel Rolling Oils
Steel Rolling Oils
Servosteerol C4
Servosteerol C 4 is a premium quality oil-in-water type emulsifiable fluid, recommended for cold rolling of mild and medium carbon steels. This oil forms a stable and long lasting emulsion with water and has excellent cooling and friction reducing properties which results in increased roll life, reduced power consumption and increased production.
Servo Steerol C6
ServoServosteerol C 6 is a premium quality oil-in-water type emulsifiable fluid, recommended for cold rolling of mild steels and medium carbon steels. It is having very high emulsion stability and has excellent cooling and friction reducing properties. Its emulsion gives longer roll life, reduced power consumption and stain free surface finish. Due to its higher emulsion stability, specific oil consumption is much lower compared to other rolling oils. Due to its proper composition with natural fats, emulsion shows excellent "Plate out" characteristic to ensure roll and strip cooling. It's proper co-efficient of friction gives correct roll bite, less strip breakage and longer roll life. It is extensively in use in 4 stand tandem mill, CRM including in thin gauge sheets.