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Thermal CTP plate

Thermal CTP plate
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Product Name:Thermal CTP plate
Place of Origin:Peoples Republic of China
Post Date:November 9, 2009
Edit Date:November 9, 2009
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Detailed Product Description:
  • Thermal CTP plate: positive
  • Style: Positive
  • Type: CTP Plate
  • Use: Offset Printing
  • Material: Aluminum

"HUA RUI" Thermal CTP plate is a high-quality printing plate specialized for thermal CTP platesetter.

HUA RUI Thermal CTP plate is a high-quality printing plate specialized for thermal CTP platesetter. It is directly scanned by 830nm laser controlled by computer, and after suitably processed, such as developed etc, put on press for printing. The use of thermal CTP plate can make you omit conventional printing film and related film making procedures, it not only shortens platemaking time but minimizes mistake chance as in order to guarantee image exact reproduction.

Size: 0.3mm high-quality commercial color printing

Sensitivity: 120-140mj/cm2

Dot reproduction: 1-99% (200lpi).

Safe operation under fluorescent lamp: 1 hour,

Safe operation under yellow lamp: 12 hours

Run length without baking: more than 100,000, after baking: 300,000+

Recommended plattesetter: Infrared laser thermal platesetter with 830nm

Size: 0.15mm high-quality commercial quick printing

High sensitivity and dot reproduction: 1-99% (200lpi).

Safe operation under fluorescent lamp: 1 hour,

Safe operation under yellow light: 12 hours

Run length without baking: 50,000+

Recommended plattesetter: Infrared laser thermal platesetter with 830nm

Note: practical run-length depends on press, ink and paper etc.

Thermal CTP platemaking process

Composition CTP platesetter CTP processor printing plate


Unique formulation design

The special photothermal conversion material which is sensitive to 830nm IR Laser is used in HUA RUI thermal CTP plate coating. Because of the value effect of the above photothermal conversion material, the dot edge formed when scanning is sharp and the reproduction is better than traditional PS plate. High efficient photothermal cross-link resin makes the finally formed plate have stable three dimension constructions to guarantee the plate high anti-abrasion. The run length of HUA RUI thermal CTP plate can be more than 300,000 after baking, and it can be used in many printing environments, such as commercial sheet printing and package printing etc.


High quality substrate

HUA RUI thermal CTP plate takes use of the aluminum plate with complex grain construction and dense oxidized layer as its substrate. It not only ensures the adhesion between thermal coating and the aluminum plate, but also makes the plate possessing excellent anti-abrasion and exact dot reproduction to guarantee high quality and long run printing.

Convenient bright room operation and Outstanding platesetter compatibility

HUA RUI thermal CTP plate can be compatible with various thermal CTP platesetter available in current market. Printing plate is imaged, processed under day-light condition without additional dark room. This makes operator feel easy and comfort. In addition, printing plate requires less processing maintenance and cleaning.


Storage and unpacking:

Light and heat can cause thermal CTP plate to chemical change easily, the recommended condition is: Tem 10~30OC RH≤65%.

Unpacking outer package should be under yellow light, recommended platemaking room should be avoided light, illuminated light is yellow lamp.

Carrying plate gently; avoiding striking, folding and throwing; stacking the plate at the height of no more than 1.5m.


Guarantee period:

12 months under above recommended storage condition.

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