- Brand Name: Reliantt
- Place of Origin: China (Mainland)
Cold rolling mill has many kinds of compounding,such as 2-5 tandem rolling mills,4-Hi or 6-Hi reversible /irreversible cold roll
Cold Rolling Mill (i.e. cold reduction machine) is a kind of equipment which is used to cold-roll to material such as carbon steel, low-alloy steel, stainless steel (reduce hot rolled coils of higher gauges to required thinner gauges). The input thickness is less than 4mm, and the output finished product is less than 0.5-1.5mm thickness.
It has many kinds of compounding, such as 2-5 tandem rolling mills, 4-Hi or 6-Hi reversible /irreversible cold rolling mills.
Components of the line:
Coil lifter Decoiler Shear Welding platform Accumulator Side guide device Three tandem mill Roller changing device Recoiler.