- Brand Name: Sun-Glare
- Place of Origin: China (Mainland)
Reversible SG20-Hi Cold rolling mill, high-precision cold-rolled unit, is a cold rolling field of the classic equipment,
Reversible SG20-Hi high stiffness, high-precision cold-rolled unit, is the country's major technology equipment, as a cold rolling field of the classic equipment, filled domestic the gap.
suitable material:
1.material:common steel,copper,co-cooper,stainless steel.alloy-material.
2.raw material thinkness: 5.0 mm
3.material width: ≤ 800mm
4.final thinkness:0.2 (high stiffness material) ,0.02(copper.foil),
5.final width: ≤800mm
6.speed: ≤500m/min
7.pressing presure:800T
we adhere to our quality control systerm ,with our qualified personnel laboratory and process final control ,we guarantee the quality of supply ,to meet not only our standard ,but also the customer's requirement.