- Brand Name: TY
- Processing: Milling Machine
- Place of Origin: Hebei China (Mainland)
- Model Number: 950
950 cold rolled sliting mill and all other equipments in the line with
low price and high quality.
we could produce the cold rolling mill that The production line is equipped with tiptop HC950 six rollers cold rolling mill, HC750 six rollers cold rolling mill, HC500 four rollers cold rolling mill, three production lines are all adopted with Siemens advanced e-control system and AGC hydraulic pressure control system. As well as, with complete utilizing equipment mating with cold rolling line: one line of TY-1600mm raw material vertical cutting; one line of acid cleaning12 sets of 300KW bright annealing furnace, two lines of CJSS-1350mm precision vertical cutting which made in Taiwan; one line of PZ-950 four rollers plain mill; two lines of TY-1250mm tensile/bending/straight mill with static, oil and auto-center adjust equipment. We guarantee that our products surface bright, smoothly, plainness, super performance by our advanced equipment and quality monitoring system. Excellent equipment, advanced technics and professional staff is the pledge of super quality.