- Type: Casting Parts
We are authorised representatives of Foreign Manufacturers for marketing their rolling mill machiner
We are authorised representatives of Foreign Manufacturers for marketing their rolling mill machineries in India. Ever since the beginning, the goal of our Principals has been to be a flexible, quali-fied and competent partner in the steel market, to help our customers not only by solving technical problems, but also by offering suitable solutions to revamp or update their installations as cost-efficiently as possible, reducing production costs and increasing the output and quality of the finished product. Our Principals operates in the field of steel hot production plants: Scrap handling machines, melting shops with eaf and ladle furnaces, fume treatment plants, continuous casting machines, hot rolling mills for bars, sections and wire rod (including special steels), with a capacity of upto 600,000 tpy, besides plants for prodcution of welded meshes, spare parts and engineering supplies, with our own know-how. Our production range includes complete turn-key plants as well as the revamping of existing mills and single machines. They also provide used-reconditioned machinery, if requested and if available. Used-reconditioned ma-chinery is supplied with full guarantee, exactly as new machinery.