Six Hi reversible Cold rolling mill
As branch of Zhuda Group, Wuxi Zhicheng Machinery Co., Ltd is manufacturer specialized in research, development, manufacture and sales of cold rolling mill of all kinds in China, who was founded in 1990.
We have two workshops respectively in Wuxi City and Jiangyan City, who have large-scaled machining center and dedicated equipment as well as experienced technical teams for cold rolling mill set, we can produce quality cold rolling mill set at competitive price.
Our products include 4 Hi reversible CRM, 6 Hi reversible CRM, continuous cold rolling mill and so on, which are used for cold rolling of mild steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metal(copper and aluminum).
In order to meet market further, we developed picking line, annealing oven, galvanizing line, slitting line, cut to length line, cold forming machine, pipe mill and so on altogether with our cooperative parties.
We can conduct turnkey project including installation and commissioning.
Besides domestic market, our products are mainly sold to Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa and so on.
Customers from home and abroad are sincerely welcomed to our factory for friendly negotiation and cooperation.
Please feel free to contact me at following mode of contact.