1, The instrument is small light and portable, providing rapid and non-destructive on-site analysis of the samples.
2, Figurative interface, flexible software operation, intuitive spectrum display and definite results.
3, Several working curves are provided in the software, which can even be edited and renewed by the uses upon test requirements.
4, Optional GPS helps locate the tested sample when mining or surveying mines in the world.
5, SD card with super large capacity is available. There is no limit of data storage.
6, Attractive design and comfortable feel when held in hand.
7, The carriage case has high strength and high sealing capacity drop and shock proof as well.
8, Faster analysis and better accuracy, delivering lab-quality results.
9, Wide range of measurable elements: Ti, V, cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Nb, Mg, Sn, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Pb, Bi, Se, Sb, Pb, Au and Hg.
10, Broad application fields: RoHS testing, alloy analysis, geographic analysis, minerals analysis, precious metal analysis, heavy, metals analysis, and scrap metals recycling analysis.
11, Rapid and accurate on site analysis, giving a test in tens of seconds and saving time and money significantly.
12, Field based direct surface measurement can be done without sample preparation. Any sample type including soil, rock, dirt, drug, solid particles, liquid sediments etc can be tested.
13, It has maximized flexibility with choice of analysis modes ensuring good test results.
14, It can withstand all kinds of harsh environment in temperature between 20C-50C. It is ideal for dusty humid and high temperature conditions over long periods.
15, The instrument is easy and comfortable to use. High visualized. Brief training is needed.