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White fused alumina WA for coated abrasives

White fused alumina WA for coated abrasives product name: White fused alumina WA for coated abrasives
Place of Origin: Peoples Republic of China
Post Date: May 24, 2021
Edit Date: May 24, 2021

Detailed Product Description:

 White fused alumina WA for coated abrasives

White fused alumina WA a highly pure form of aluminium oxide which is suitable for use with stainless steel and aluminium. This iron-free, reusable blasting medium is angular, brittle and hard. It has a powerful abrasive effect on the surface being blasted. White fused alumina belongs to the group of fused alumina.

White fused alumina WA available grain sizes

F 012/#12: 1400–2000µm
F 014/14: 1180–1700µm
F 016/16: 1000–1400µm
F 020/20: 850–1180µm
F 022/22: 710–1000µm
F 024/24: 600–850µm
F 030/30: 500–710µm
F 036/36: 425–600µm
F 040/40: 355–500µm
F 046/46: 300–425µm
F 054/54: 250–355µm
F 060/60: 212–300µm
F 070/70: 180–250µm
F 080/80: 150–212µm
F 090/90: 125–180µm
F 100/100: 106–150µm
F 120/120: 90–125µm
F 150/150: 63–106µm
F 180/180: 63–90µm
F 220/220: 53–75µm

White fused alumina WA physical properties

Hardness: 9 mohs
Grain shape: angular
Melting point: approx. 2050°C
Specific gravity: approx. 4.0 g/cm3
Bulk density: approx. 1.5 – 2.1 g/cm3
(depending on grain size)

White fused alumina WA chemical analysis

Al2O3: 99,50%
Na2O+K2O: 0,25%
Fe2O3: 0,04%

White fused alumina WA produce processing

White fused alumina WA for coated abrasivesWhite fused alumina WA for coated abrasives

Click here for free sample!!!

White fused alumina WA Packaging

1. 25kgs pvc bag
2. 25kgs pvc bags+1MT big bag
3.25kgs pvc bags+pallet 
4.1MT big bag 
Packaging can be customized according to customer requirement